
Showing posts from July, 2019

Fat Before It was Trending

"It was almost like, when I looked in the mirror, I couldn't even see how I actually looked. I only saw how others viewed me." The other evening, I had a deep phone conversation with someone I'm dating. Just for background purposes, this person is a beautiful, black, self identified fat femme, who's body positivity is one of the reason I am very attracted to her.  The people I date are usually plus size, because in addition to finding full-figured folks sexy as hell, I like that we have that in common. (Ever since I started dating my ex, five years ago, I have learned to embrace my body type, and use the word fat differently; no longer as an insult, as most of us are conditioned to use it, but simply a way of describing one's body type.)  Artists like Lizzo have also helped me feel a confidence about my body that I never EVER had before. I feel like there is an entire community of fat people, particularly fat femmes, who shout self love and body positivity...