The Unraveling

Me and cornrows go back a long time. Longer than any other style. When you first get a fresh set of cornrows, first and foremost, they are TIGHT AF. The patterns are neat and in sync, so you just take an aspirin and go on feeling yourself. The braids shine from the Jam and that Pink spray, and people usually compliment you and admire them. It is important to note, however, that cornrows can be an extremely high maintenance style - if you want them to last. 

The Cornrow Commandments:

  1. You must wear a bonnet or sleep on a satin pillowcase every night.  

  2. Cleanse and Oil thy scalp regularly. 

  3. Hold fast to your edges - at all cost. 

  4. Moisturize your ends dutifully. 

  5. Don’t neglect the process.

My friendship with her is like a head of cornrows. 

Please know, that even if you wear the bonnet and worship your scalp with TLC, at some point, your parting spaces will fade. The frizz will slowly take hold of your head like a halo of static, and you will begin to come down from the new-hairstyle-high. 

It is common for loved ones to ask if the braids are worth keeping for any longer. In those cases, self doubt may occur. The static halo is likely to cloud your judgement. 

My friendship with her is like a head of cornrows.

The point of no return is when you begin to avoid yourself in the mirror. Your braids are ashamed of themselves, and have started to unravel. You will feel like you failed somehow. At night your scalp will scream and rob you of any sleep. 

My friendship with her is like a head of cornrows. 

Warning: This style is more high maintenance than you expect. You will invest time and effort to keep them fresh for as long as you can, but they will eventually unravel.  

Each month you will return to the braiding chair to start again from scratch. You will strive to keep them in longer this time. You will wear TWO bonnets at night, and try new methods  of preservation. 

You will realize though, no matter how many times you start over, no matter what style you choose, no matter how good it will always look on day one - Whether it happens on its own, or if it requires a sharp pair of sheers and someone you trust nearby for support, the unraveling is inevitable.

My friendship with her is like a head of cornrows when it is time to take them out.


  1. I wrote another comment and it deleted I think!

    But overall I love your comparison with this easy to go to, beautiful, simple hairstyle to friendships/relationships. Because sometimes a relationship can feel easy to go to, beautiful and simple but Chile the unraveling process.

    Makes you feel like never trying again. But the beautiful thing is we always do trying to apply more compassion and care than we did the first time.



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