Where Did My Brother Go? Part 2
Fluctuating Faith Khalid was absolutely on a downward spiral. Eventually he was asked to leave St. Peter and St. Paul because of his behavior issues, so my mom enrolled him into another Catholic school. The academics in Mount Vernon public schools were not as challenging as she wanted for us, so we always attended Catholic schools going forward. My mother always wanted the very best for us. Actually - let’s take a pause on Khalid. I want to talk about my mother because she is a huge part of this. My mom is literally Superwoman. During our entire childhood, she presented us with so many valuable opportunities. In addition to putting us in the best schools she could afford, we were enrolled in dance classes, swimming classes, gymnastics, math and science tutoring, painting, pottery, drawing, double dutch, karate, piano, guitar and basketball. (Wow! When you see it in writing, it’s even more impressive!) She was the carpool driver for all of Khalid’s many basketball games, and ...