Sis Threw It Back (Explicit Content)

She said, "I'm going to take care of you,"

and my thighs became the mouth of the Nile River.
Suddenly this body was separate from my brain.
Arched back and starving hands gripping her
collar bone, my nails, and teeth became chisels, etching
thank you notes into the soft of her neck
and shoulders.

I thought to myself, "she told me she
couldn't dance," but her tongue performed perfect
jazz circles in my mouth, drawing my chest in closer.
I felt her hands push my panties to the side,
and she looked to me for consent,
(which just made me want to fuck her even more.)
I whispered a soft, approving murmur,
and in an instant, I realized what pleasure really was!
Were those her hands, or did I fall into 
a heated pool of ecstasy?

An unfamiliar sound escaped my lips. It startled me,
and I felt slightly embarrassed for a moment
but there was a fire in her eyes suddenly as if to say
There's gold in you, honey, and I'm going to find it.
I felt my hips tremble furiously, almost begging
to be freed of all insecurities.

In a voice as savory as arroz con leche, she asked me what I wanted...
but Lord, I had lost the ability to think in full sentences!
My mind became a juke box of Mmmmoans and Yesssssssses.
I could not separate my heartbeat and the
symphony playing between my legs...
Until I realized it was actually my neighbors banging,
telling me to quiet down
as if I could.



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